
Original title: Tearless
Director: Gina Kim
Country: Republic of Korea (South Korea), United States
Year of production: 2021
Length (min): 12
Section: VR

To purchase the ticket go to VR Cinema; only in English

In the 1970s, dozens of brothels were built in South Korea for American soldiers. The girls were required to wear their personal numbers like prisoners and signs indicating that they were free of sexually transmitted diseases. Those suspected of being ill were confined to the “House of Monkeys”, where many died due to inappropriate treatment. Hundreds tried to escape or took their own lives. Gina Kim’s VR film takes us to one of these now-abandoned houses, where the ghosts of humiliated women come to life.

Gina Kim

The audiovisual works of South Korean artist Gina Kim have been presented at more than 100 festivals, including Venice, Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, and Sundance. Her previous VR film Bloodless, which also deals with the aftermath of the Korean War, won the Best VR Screenplay award at the Venice Film Festival.

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