Sticks & Stones

Sticks & Stones

Original title: Brakland
Director: Martin Skovbjerg Jensen
Cast: Jonas Bjerril, Vilmer Trier Brøgger, Sophia Andersen Martinussen, Patricia Schumann
Country: Denmark, Iceland
Year of production: 2018
Length (min): 93
Language: Danish
Sales: Danish Film Institute
Section: Northern Lights
Sponsors: Dánské velvyslanectví

Simon arrives in the tiny town of Vesterby with his doctor parents. He’s the perfect outsider from Copenhagen, and immediately gets caught up in classmate Bjarke’s more exotic life as the son of the only rich guy in town. For a school project, the boys film their lazy hash-dazed days, which quickly reveals cracks in the town’s polished surface as well as in Bjarke’s mental state. DJ and music producer Skovbjerg delivers a razor-sharp portrait of two friends’ farewell to childhood.

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