A Lonely Hero


A Lonely Hero

Original title: L'intrepido
Director: Gianni Amelio
Screenplay: Gianni Amelio, Davide Lantieri
Director of Photography: Luca Bigazzi
Editor: Simona Paggi
Music: Franco Piersanti
Print source: Rai Trade
Country: Italy
Year of production: 2013
Length (min): 104
Language: Albanian, Italian
Subtitles: Czech, English
Sales: Rai Trade
Section: Pocta: Gianni Amelio
Genre: Comedy
Sponsors: Italský kulturní institut Praha

Ever-smiling Antonio likes to work and he naively believes that decency will get him somewhere. A bitter dark comedy in the style of Chaplin with a dramatic finale provides Gianni Amelio's an opportunity to comment on the economic crisis in Italy.

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