Buy Me a Gun

Buy Me a Gun

Original title: Cómprame un revolver
Director: Julio Hernández Cordón
Cast: Ángel Leonel Corral, Matilde Hernández Guinea, Rogelio Sosa, Sostenes Rojas, Wallace Pereyda
Country: Colombia, Mexico
Year of production: 2018
Length (min): 84
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: Czech, English
Sales: Films Boutique
Section: Panorama
Sponsors: Velvyslanectví Spojených států mexických

Little Huck lives with her drug-addicted father in a remote part of Mexico. Cartels force the locals to regularly give up young women and girls. The father tries to protect his daughter and disguise her as a boy by making her wear a mask. But in the end, it's up to Huck to learn how to take care of herself. This Mexican drama relies on a stark visual side and straightforward storytelling unburdened by superfluous dialogues and background music.

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